Friday, December 10, 2010

Adding Sounds

Adding sounds is very easy to do. First you have to go and find a sound on the internet. Then you go and add it to a animation on flash. Then once you have done that you go and then go and test it with the f9 key and that is how you do the adding sounds.
Learning in Globaloria

Friday, December 3, 2010

Adding Keyboard

Hi there this time in globaloria we doing the adding keyboards. The first thing you do when you are adding key boards is go to your game demo file. Then open it up. Next you make a movie clip and then you put it on  the animations layer. Give the movie clip an instance name that refers to the name. Next you add the code and then all the parts that say the word Mclip.2_y you put the instance name right there. Then you save it and you up load it to you to you rteam page and your projects page. And that is how you do adding keyboards un globaloria.
Globaloria Questions Answered