Friday, April 27, 2012


Today I gotta blog about what my game needs. I can't think of anything that my game needs. I will talk to you about how awesme the last day will be. I can't wait to get out of here. I don't know what else to say.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Today is a Free Day!!!! :D

Today we have a free blog day. That means that we can blog about anything we want. Best of all NO GLOBALORIA talk!!! I can finally talk like a normal kid and not some super genius ( which I am definitly not). I am going to talk about the things that will be happening at the end of the year. Today 4/20/12 and it is almost my birthday. My birthday is just a couple days and this weekend we will have the birthday dinner this Saturday.  Then after that is Prom. Prom is in May and I am very excited about it this year because I did go last year. This year will be my last prom until 10th grade year.  After prom is WEST TEST and I really don't want to do that. WEST TEST is gonna hard but I guess it will be okay because we have parties everyday after we are done. After the WEST TEST is our 8th grade trip. This will be our last trip after they cancelled our 12th grade one. This year going to be fun because I am going with my mom and aunt. I really excited for the trip because I have rode a roller coaster and this will be my first. I am a little nervous to ride one but I think that will be fun. My best friend really loves roller coasters and she said that since I have never been on one she would make me ride a really good one. To my best friend a really good one is a fast one so, I am kinda nervous. I am still excited no matter what. Next the last thing of the year is Graduation. We have 8th grade graduation and I am not that excited because I don't think that I will get anything when go but, my mom is making me go(thanks mom : / .)  Finally the best thing of al. The LAST Day!!! I hate my school and I can't wait. I want to get out of here and enjoy summer break. Everyone else I talk to is excited too. I am not going to miss the people here because most of them annoy me. But the ones that I do like I know that I will see them next year in high school. The end of the year the most amazing time of the year for all of these different reasons. Happy end of the year!!!! Bye!

Friday, April 13, 2012

If game presentation was today

If game presentation was today we would probably not do good. Lately in our globaloria room things haven't been very orderly. Everyone has been cramming to get their games done. They have been running around like a bunch of chickens that had their heads cut off. We have all been putting a lot of effort into our games. If we had presentations today we would all fail. We are working but were not very organized with their games. Most of the 8th grade teams are done, but our 7th grade are teams aren,t even close to half way done. It is not their falt though because it is only their first year in globaloria. I really don't look forward to presentations, because their aweful. We sit in our libray for 10 class periods and then at almost 3 o'clock we get one slice of pizza (If we are lucky : ( . I kinda short and people tend try to run me over for the pizza. Last year I hated presentation because my partner was supposed to talk for us but when got up there she freaked out and froze so I had to talk through the whole thing. I am kinda of nervous for presentaions . There coming up really soon and I  don't feel so good about it.