Friday, January 20, 2012

What we have done

Hello. I am here to talk about what we have done in our game. This blog has to be a full 5 paragraphs. We will start with the game skeleton. Our game intro scene is the first scene of our game skeleton. It is white with little bunches of flowers at the sides. Our team intro just has all of our names on it. The next scene is the audience. Our Audience scene is telling who is the main group of people we are trying to target. In our game play scene we are telling about the main way that you play. You get to drive into the coal while riding a coalmining cart. The next scene is the Learning Goal. Our learning goal is for other 8th graders to learn about West Virginia. Our Smart Factor is about the way that coal works in West Virginia. The style factor of the game is the way we have cute little icons. Our originality scene is just the way that you can do it yourself. The last slide has our ttile scene.

Then next thing we will talk about is the progress in our whole game. We have title scene. Our title scene is really cool. It has a mining hat with an axe and a pick under neath it. I love it. Then after that we have alot of movie scenes. The parts where you don't get to play but kind of introduces you to the game. After that you get play the games.


 West Virginia Mountaintop Removal

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